84 results found based on your search


ISSN: 2949-8856

Publisher: Amsterdam Dr. Boris Van Dijk

Country: Netherlands

URL: scholarsdigest.org/index. ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999


ISSN: 2352-5398

Publisher: Amsterdam Atlantis Press

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.atlantis-press.com/pu ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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ISSN: 2949-8872

Publisher: Amsterdam SciPost Foundation

Country: Netherlands

URL: scipost.org/MigPol.1.1

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999

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ISSN: 2666-1438

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-9999

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ISSN: 2949-883X

Publisher: Amsterdam Dr. Boris Van Dijk

Country: Netherlands

URL: scholarsdigest.org/index. ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999

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ISSN: 2667-0755

Publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2950-1733

Publisher: Nijmegen Radboud University Press

Country: Netherlands

URL: eirjournal.com/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2197-1927

Latest publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: brill.com/view/journals/t ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 2773-2266

Publisher: Delft TU Delft OPEN Publishing

Country: Netherlands

URL: journals.open.tudelft.nl/ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 2949-8864

Publisher: Amsterdam Dr. Boris Van Dijk

Country: Netherlands

URL: scholarsdigest.org/index. ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999

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ISSN: 2667-0429

Publisher: Delft TU Delft Open Publishing

Country: Netherlands

URL: journals.open.tudelft.nl/ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2950-2152

Publisher: Nijmegen Radboud University Press

Country: Netherlands

URL: journalofpoliticalsociolo ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 2949-7043

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999

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ISSN: 2950-1970

Publisher: Eindhoven Laurens Ankersmit

Country: Netherlands

URL: europeanlawblog.eu/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2666-4852

Publisher: Bussum Bentham Science Publishers

Country: Netherlands

URL: benthamscience.com/journa ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 2667-0410

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2666-3538

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-2024

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ISSN: 2772-3178

Publisher: [Bussum] Bentham Science Publishers

Country: Netherlands

URL: benthamscience.com/issue/ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 1872-1001

Latest publisher: Diemen War Trauma Foundation

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.interventionjournal.o ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 200u-9999

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ISSN: 2666-5514

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-2023

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ISSN: 1876-9098

Latest publisher: Rotterdam Stichting Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics

Country: Netherlands

URL: ejpe.org/journal/issue/ar ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2008-9999

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ISSN: 2211-5242

Publisher: Amsterdam VU e-Publishing

Country: Netherlands

URL: dcidj.org/index

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999


ISSN: 2667-128X

Publisher: Amsterdam Atlantis Press

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.atlantis-press.com/pr ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2018-9999


ISSN: 2772-9001

Publisher: Rotterdam Erasmus Economics and Theology Institute

Country: Netherlands

URL: j-etr.org

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2468-4368

Publisher: Amsterdam Lectito Journals

Country: Netherlands

URL: lectitojournals.com/europ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2016-9999

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ISSN: 2667-3444

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999

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ISSN: 1753-6405

Latest publisher: [Amsterdam] Elsevier

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 1996-9999

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ISSN: 2773-0611

Publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: brill.com/view/journals/i ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 2589-1316

Publisher: The Hague Lectito Journals

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.lectitojournals.com/e ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2018-9999

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ISSN: 2364-4583

Publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: brill.com/view/journals/v ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2016-9999

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ISSN: 1876-8156

Publisher: Amsterdam Faculty of Law, VU University Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.amsterdamlawforum.org

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2008-9999

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ISSN: 2666-9374

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2212-5868

Publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: booksandjournals.brillonl ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 1879-9337

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier Africagrowth Institute

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/sci ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2165-025X

Latest publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: brill.com/view/journals/p ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 201u-9999

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ISSN: 2665-9107

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2019-9999

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ISSN: 2666-6227

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-9999

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ISSN: 2211-4688

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/sci ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2215-1516

Publisher: Den Haag Boom Juridische uitgevers

Country: Netherlands

URL: openaccessadvocate.nl/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 1876-8245

Publisher: Hilversum Bentham Science Publishers

Country: Netherlands

URL: benthamopen.com/TOPHARMEJ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2009-9999

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ISSN: 2542-5765

Publisher: [Amsterdam] production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/sci ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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ISSN: 2590-342X

Publisher: [Loosdrecht] [Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bulent Tarman]

Country: Netherlands

URL: cultureandvalues.org/inde ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2018-9999

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ISSN: 2352-6319

Publisher: Hilversum Bentham Science Publishers

Country: Netherlands

URL: benthamopen.com/OUSDJ/con ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 1877-0428

Publisher: Oxford Elsevier

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/jou ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2009-9999

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ISSN: 2211-6257

Publisher: Leiden Brill

Country: Netherlands

URL: booksandjournals.brillonl ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2210-2671

Publisher: Rotterdam Erasmus School of Law

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.erasmuslawreview.nl/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2007-9999

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ISSN: 2214-4625

Publisher: [Lebanon] Amsterdam Holy Spirit University of Kaslik Elsevier

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/sci ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 2452-3011

Publisher: [Amsterdam] King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.sciencedirect.com/sci ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 1572-3763

Latest publisher: Ipswich, MA EBSCO

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.gjss.org/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2004-2019

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ISSN: 2214-8523

Publisher: Amsterdam Elsevier

Country: Netherlands

URL: www.journals.elsevier.com ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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