12 results found based on your search

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ISSN: 1735-3408

Publisher: Tehran Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences Kowsar Medical

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: hepatmon.com/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2003-9999

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ISSN: 2345-6418

Publisher: Shiraz Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: dentjods.sums.ac.ir/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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ISSN: 2322-4835

Publisher: Shiraz : Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Fatemeh School of Nursing & Midwifery

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: ijcbnm.sums.ac.ir

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 2322-3561

Publisher: Shiraz : Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: jamp.sums.ac.ir

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2322-3618

Publisher: Urmia Urmia University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: www.urmia.ac.ir/vrf

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2322-2271

Publisher: Tehran Iranian Society of Medical Entomology Tehran University of Medical Sciences

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: jad.tums.ac.ir/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 1726-9148

Publisher: Tehran Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Endocrine Research Center Kowsar Medical

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: endometabol.com/en/index. ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2002-9999

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ISSN: 2322-1674

Publisher: Kashan Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Deputy of Research

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: www.nmsjournal.com

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2251-9580

Publisher: Tehran Kowsar Corporation Rajaie Cardiovascular, Medical and Research Center

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: cardiovascmed.com/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2251-7472

Publisher: Tehran Baqiyatallah Trauma Research Center Kowsar Medical

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: traumamon.com/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999

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ISSN: 2345-3605

Publisher: Tehran Amsterdam Sharif University of Technology Elsevier

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: www.scientiairanica.com/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 1997-9999

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ISSN: 2322-5726

Publisher: Mashhad Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Nuclear Medicine Research Center

Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of

URL: aojnmb.mums.ac.ir

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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