
Cultura e scienza del colore

Resource information
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Title proper: Cultura e scienza del colore.

Abbreviated key-title: Cult. sci. colore

Parallel title: Color culture and science

Original alphabet of title: Extended roman

Subject: UDC : 75

Subject: UDC : 76

Subject: UDC : 535.6

Subject: Dewey : 750

Subject: Dewey : 760

Subject: Dewey : 535

Subject: Graphic art, printmaking. Graphics

Subject: Physics

Subject: Painting

Subject: Optics

Corporate contributor: Gruppo del colore - Associazione Italiana Colore

Publisher: Milano: Gruppo del Colore - Associazione Italiana Colore

Note: Peer-review (consultazione del 27/11/2015)

Dates of publication: 2014- 9999

Description: N. 01 (giu. 2014)-

Frequency: Semiannual

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Multiple languages

Language (other): Italian English

Country: Italy

Medium: Online

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: DOAJ

Indexed by: FATCAT

Indexed by: SUDOC

Indexed by: ZDB

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Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 06/02/2021

ISSN Center responsible of the record: Centro Nazionale ISSN

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication

Record creation date: 16/07/2014

Original ISSN Centre: Centro Nazionale ISSN
