
Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriâ F. Stroitelʹstvo. Prikladnye nauki (Online)

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Key-title in original characters: Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия F. Строительство. Прикладные науки (Online)

Title proper: Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Stroitelʹstvo. Prikladnye nauki.

Title proper: Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Строительство. Прикладные науки.

Abbreviated key-title: Vestn. Polockogo gos. univ., Ser. F, Stroit., Prikl. nauki (Online)

Parallel title: Herald of Polotsk State University. Series F. Civil engineering. Applied sciences

Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic

Subject: UDC : 528

Subject: UDC : 69

Subject: UDC : 624

Subject: Engineering. Technology in general

Subject: Civil and structural engineering in general

Subject: Geodesy. Surveying. Photogrammetry. Remote sensing. Cartography

Subject: Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure

Corporate contributor: Polotsk State University (ISNI: 0000000110154837)

Corporate contributor: Полоцкий государственный университет (ISNI: 0000 0001 1015 4837)

Corporate contributor: Polockij gosudarstvennyj universitet (ISNI: 0000000110154837)

Earliest publisher: Новополоцк: Полоцкий государственный университет

Earliest publisher: Novopolock: Polockij gosudarstvennyj universitet

Dates of publication: 2020- 9999

Frequency: Semiannual

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Multiple languages

Language (other): Russian Belarusian

Country: Belarus

Medium: Online

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: CROSSREF

Indexed by: OPENALEX

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Has other medium version: Vestnik Polockogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriâ F. Prikladnye nauki. Stroitelʹstvo, 2070-1683

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 10/02/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: CIEPS - ISSN

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication

Record creation date: 16/03/2021

Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN
