44 results found based on your search


ISSN: 2624-7992

Publisher: [Zurich] Educational Development and Technology Unit (LET), ETH Zurich [2018]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.learningteaching.ethz ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2018-9999


ISSN: 2673-9127

Publisher: Genève Université de Genève, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation [2022]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: oap.unige.ch/journals/eol ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999


ISSN: 2813-4389

Publisher: Geneva Globethics.net Foundation [2022]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: jehe.globethics.net/index

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2022-9999


ISSN: 2296-6684

Publisher: Genève Université de Genève, Faculté de traduction et d'interprétation 2013-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.paralleles.unige.ch

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 2296-4126

Latest publisher: Bielefeld Transcript Verlag 2009-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.bibliothek.uni-regens ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2009-9999

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ISSN: 2504-5210

Publisher: [Locarno] Centro competenza didattica della matematica, Dipartimento formazione e apprendimento, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana [2017]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.rivistaddm.ch

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2017-9999


ISSN: 2296-715X

Latest publisher: [S.l.] Math-école

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.revue-mathematiques.c ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 1968-2016

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ISSN: 2296-4150

Latest publisher: [Zürich] Seismo Verlag

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.hope.uzh.ch/scoms

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 2254-7339

Latest publisher: [Cham, Switzerland] [Springer Nature Switzerland AG]

Country: Switzerland

URL: naerjournal.ua.es/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2012-9999

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ISSN: 2673-4273

Publisher: [Bern] [Red.: Berner Institut für Judaistik] Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Judaistische Forschung (SGJF) Bern Open Publishing, Universitätsbibliothek Bern 2020-

Country: Switzerland

URL: judaica.ch/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-9999

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ISSN: 2296-9047

Publisher: Bern Universität Bern, Institut für Philosophie 2014

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.fsphilosophie.unibe.c ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-2014


ISSN: 1661-5719

Publisher: [Lugano] R. Guldin 2005-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.flusserstudies.net

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2005-9999


ISSN: 2813-5253

Publisher: Delémont (Suisse) Rédaction: JREA/JRAE, HEP-BEJUNE, François Joliat [2023]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.jrea.ch

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2023-9999

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ISSN: 1660-5578

Publisher: Zürich Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich 2002-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.unizh.ch/hermes/ihr_H ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2002-9999

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ISSN: 2297-6469

Publisher: Freiburg [i.Br.] Gesellschaft für Religionskunde, [c/o] Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg 2015-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.zfrk-rdsr.ch

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 2624-7844

Publisher: Geneva Clarens-Montreux Barcelona Munich EU Business School [2018]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: onresearch.ch/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2018-9999

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ISSN: 2673-351X

Publisher: Basel MDPI AG [2019]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.mdpi.com/journal/sinu ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2019-9999

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ISSN: 2673-5199

Publisher: Basel S. Karger AG 2021-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.karger.com?issn=2673- ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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ISSN: 2078-1547

Publisher: Basel MDPI AG 2010-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.mdpi.com/journal/chal ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2624-683X

Publisher: Freiburg Institut für Föderalismus, Universität Freiburg 30. Januar 2015-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.unifr.ch/ius/federali ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 1664-5464

Publisher: Basel S. Karger 2011-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.karger.com?issn=1664- ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999

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ISSN: 2673-5091

Publisher: Genève 4 Université de Genève, Unité de Portugais, Revista Língua-lugar: Literatura, História, Estudos Culturais 10.06.2020-

Country: Switzerland

URL: oap.unige.ch/journals/lin ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-9999

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ISSN: 2296-9705

Publisher: Basel S. Karger 2015-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.karger.com?issn=2296- ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 2296-0597

Latest publisher: Muttenz Kontakt: Dr. Andreas Ledl, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW), Campus Muttenz Bibliothek

Country: Switzerland

URL: 0277.pubpub.org

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2013-9999

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ISSN: 1933-9747

Latest publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing 2005-

Country: Switzerland

URL: link.springer.com/journal ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2005-9999

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ISSN: 2673-6934

Publisher: [Bern] [Peter Lang Group AG] [2021]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.ingentaconnect.com/co ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999


ISSN: 2813-5717

Publisher: Lausanne, Suisse Haute école pédagogique Vaud [2019]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.hepl.ch/accueil/forma ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2019-9999

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ISSN: 1663-9391

Publisher: Genève Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement 2010-

Country: Switzerland

URL: journals.openedition.org/ ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2296-0708

Publisher: St. Gallen Center for Governance and Culture in Europe, University of St.Gallen 2011-

Country: Switzerland

URL: gce.unisg.ch/en/euxeinos

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999

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ISSN: 1664-2384

Latest publisher: Cham, Switzerland Office of publ.: Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Country: Switzerland

URL: sjpp.springeropen.com

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999

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ISSN: 2571-8096

Publisher: Basel Europainstitut an der Universität Basel [2000-2013]

Country: Switzerland

URL: eterna.unibas.ch/index.ph ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2000-2013


ISSN: 2297-6809

Publisher: Bern Zwitscher-Maschine, c/o Zentrum Paul Klee 2015-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.zwitscher-maschine.or ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2015-9999

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ISSN: 2571-516X

Publisher: Genève RMé, Université de Genève-Pavillon Mail [2017]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.revue-mathematiques.c ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2017-9999

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ISSN: 1661-4941

Latest publisher: [Genève] Journal of Urban Research

Country: Switzerland

URL: articulo.revues.org

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2005-uuuu


ISSN: 2297-8224

Publisher: Fribourg, Schweiz Universität Fribourg, Departement Sozialwissenschaften, Studienbereich Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit 2016-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.sozialpolitik.ch

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2016-9999


ISSN: 2673-575X

Publisher: Zürich HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich 2019-

Country: Switzerland

URL: fh-hwz.ch/forschung/hwz-w ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2019-9999


ISSN: 2235-1604

Publisher: Wien Basel All-Over 2011-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.allover-magazin.com

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2011-9999


ISSN: 2509-8632

Latest publisher: Zürich ISEK - Populäre Kulturen, Universität Zürich, Schweiz

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.interjuli.de/de/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2009-9999


ISSN: 1664-0136

Publisher: [Genève] [IRSE (Institut romand de systématique et d'éthique), Université de Genève] 2010-

Country: Switzerland

URL: theoremes.revues.org

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2673-4664

Publisher: Zürich GISo, Zeitschrift für Sozialisationsforschung, Redaktion, c/o Peter Rieker, Universität Zürich 2020-

Country: Switzerland

URL: giso-journal.ch/index

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2020-9999

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ISSN: 2235-0225

Publisher: Bern Institut für Transdisziplinarität [2010]-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.jar-online.net/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2010-9999

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ISSN: 2296-990X

Publisher: Winterthur Verein zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in den Gesundheitsberufen, VFWG, c/o Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW, Departement Gesundheit

Country: Switzerland

URL: ijhp.info/joomla/

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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ISSN: 2297-0533

Publisher: Lausanne CARAFE, Communauté pour l'avancement de la recherche appliquée francophone en ergothérapie, p.a. Haute école de travail social et de la santé - EESP 2015-

Country: Switzerland

URL: www.rfre.org/index.php/RF ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2014-9999

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ISSN: 2673-7604

Publisher: Genève Université de Genève 2021-

Country: Switzerland

URL: oap.unige.ch/journals/rhc ...

Status: Confirmed

Dates: 2021-9999

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