Title of cluster (medium version) Gìrniča geologìâ ta geoekologìâ
Gìrniča geologìâ ta geoekologìâ
Key-title in original characters: Гірнича геологія та геоекологія (Online)
Key-title: Gìrniča geologìâ ta geoekologìâ (Online)
Title proper: Gìrniča geologìâ ta geoekologìâ.
Title proper: Гірнича геологія та геоекологія.
Abbreviated key-title: Gìrniča geol. geoekologìâ (Online)
Parallel title: Mining geology and ecology
Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic
Subject: UDC : 622
Subject: UDC : 55
Subject: UDC : 502/504(100)
Subject: Earth Sciences. Geological sciences
Subject: Threats to the environment
Subject: The environment and its protection
Subject: Mining
Subject: Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Subject: Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them
Corporate contributor: SCMGGID NAS of Ukraine
Corporate contributor: NC GGGRÌ NAN Ukraïni
Corporate contributor: Scientific Center of Mining Geology, Geoecology and Infrastructure Development of NAS of Ukraine
Corporate contributor: Naukovij centr gìrničoï geologìï, geoekologìï ta rozvitku ìnfrastrukturi NAN Ukraïni
Corporate contributor: Науковий центр гірничої геології, геоекології та розвитку інфраструктури НАН України
Corporate contributor: НЦ ГГГРІ НАН України
Earliest publisher: Київ: Науковий центр гірничої геології геоекології та розвитку інфраструктури НАН України
Earliest publisher: Kiïv: Naukovij centr gìrničoï geologìï geoekologìï ta rozvitku ìnfrastrukturi NAN Ukraïni
Dates of publication: 2020- 9999
Frequency: Semiannual
Type of resource: Journal
Language: Multiple languages
Abstracts: eng rus
Language (other): Ukrainian
Country: Ukraine
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: CROSSREF
Indexed by: SUDOC
Indexed by: OPENALEX
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 05/02/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine
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Record creation date: 01/05/2023
Original ISSN Centre: ISSN Centre for Ukraine