
Journal of food physics (Online)

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Title proper: Journal of food physics

Abbreviated key-title: J. food phys. (Online)

Parallel title: Élelmiszerfizikai közlemények

Original alphabet of title: Basic roman

Subject: UDC : 664

Subject: Production and preservation of solid foodstuffs

Corporate contributor: Corvinus University of Budapest

Corporate contributor: International Society of Food Physicists

Corporate contributor: Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Corporate contributor: Hungarian Biophysical Society

Corporate contributor: Magyar Biofizikai Társaság

Corporate contributor: Nemzetközi Élelmiszerfizikai Társaság

Earliest publisher: Budapest: Élelmiszer Fizika Közhasznú Alapítvány, cop. 2008-2018

Latest publisher: Budapest: Public Foundation of Food Physics

Dates of publication: 2006- 2018 (Ceased)

Description: Vol. 19 (2006)- Vol. 31. (2018)

Frequency: Annual

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: English

Country: Hungary

Note: A főcím/kulcscím forrása a PDF formátumban elérhető kiadvány.

Medium: Online

Indexed by: ROAD

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Resource history

Has other medium version: Journal of food physics, 1416-3365

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 19/09/2022

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for Hungary

For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.

Record creation date: 24/05/2011

Original ISSN Centre: ISSN National Centre for Hungary
