
Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov. Seriâ Vseobŝaâ istoriâ

Resource information

Title proper: Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta družby narodov. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Seriâ Vseobŝaâ istoriâ. Серия Всеобщая история.

Parallel title: Bulletin of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series World history

Other variant title: Vestnik RUDN. Seriâ Vseobŝaâ istoriâ

Other variant title: RUDN Journal of World history

Country: Russian Federation

Medium: Print

Record information

Last modification date: 08/02/2024

Type of record: Confirmed

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication
