
Journal Legal and Administrative Studies (Online)

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Title proper: Journal Legal and Administrative Studies.

Abbreviated key-title: J. Leg. Adm. Stud. (Online)

Parallel title: Studii juridice şi administrative

Original alphabet of title: Basic roman

Subject: UDC : 351

Subject: UDC : 34

Subject: Law. Jurisprudence

Subject: Particular activities of public administration

Subject: Public administration. Government. Military affairs

Corporate contributor: University of Piteşti. Faculty of Economic Sciences and Law

Corporate contributor: Universitatea din Piteşti. Facultatea de Ştiinţe Juridice şi Administrative

Earliest publisher: Piteşti: Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2013.

Earliest publisher: Bucureşti: C.H. Beck, 2014-

Dates of publication: 2013- 9999

Frequency: Semiannual

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: English

Country: Romania

Medium: Online

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: FATCAT

Indexed by: ZDB

Indexed by: WIKIDATA

Indexed by: SUDOC

Indexed by: EZB

Indexed by: DOAJ

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Has other medium version: Studii juridice şi administrative (Print), 1583-0772

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 13/09/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: Romanian ISSN Centre

For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.

Record creation date: 08/01/2014

Original ISSN Centre: Romanian ISSN Centre
