
Sekitan Kagaku Kaigi happyo ronbunshu

Resource information

Title proper: Sekitan Kagaku Kaigi happyo ronbunshu 石炭科学会議発表論文集

Other variant title: Soritsu 60shunen Kinen Koen, Kenkyu Happyo zensatsushu

Other variant title: Nenryo Kyokai Taikai, Sekitan Kagaku Kaigi godo happyo ronbunshu

Other variant title: Sha Nenryo kyokai godo taikai happyo ronbunshu

Other variant title: Sekitan Kagaku Kaigi, Kokusu Tokubetsukai

Country: Japan

Medium: Print

Record information

Last modification date: 20/01/2024

Type of record: Confirmed

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for Japan

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication
