Key-title Monaldi archives for chest disease. Cardiac series (Online)
Monaldi archives for chest disease. Cardiac series (Online)
Title proper: Monaldi archives for chest disease. Cardiac series.
Abbreviated key-title: Monaldi arch. chest dis., card. ser. (Online)
Other variant title: Monaldi archives for chest disease. (Online)
Original alphabet of title: Basic roman
Subject: UDC : 616.2
Subject: Dewey : 616
Subject: Pathology. Clinical medicine
Corporate contributor: FSM
Corporate contributor: Associazione Italiana di Cardiologia Riabilitativa e Preventiva (GICR -IACPR)
Corporate contributor: Italian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention Rehabilitation and Epidemiology (GICR -IACPR)
Corporate contributor: Centro Studi Fondazione Maugeri
Note: I volumi delle due serie sono pubblicati in contemporanea fino al 2013, poi appaiono in modo più irregolare. Cardiac series è pubblicata nei volumi pari, Pulmonary series nei volumi dispari
Note: Peer-review (fascicolo consultato: Vol. 80, n. 1 Mar. 2013)
Note: Dal Vol. 57, n. 1 (Feb. 2002) la rivista Monaldi archives for chest disease (Print) pubblica divisa in serie distinte : Pulmonary series e Cardiac series
Publisher: Pavia: Pagepress, 2015-
Dates of publication: 2004- 2016 (Ceased)
Description: Vol. 62, n. 2 (2004)-vol. 86, n. 1/2 (2016)
Frequency: Annual
Type of resource: Periodical
Language: English
Country: Italy
Medium: Online
Indexed by: THE KEEPERS
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: PUBMED
Indexed by: MEDLINE
Indexed by: CROSSREF
Indexed by: FATCAT
Indexed by: WIKIDATA
Indexed by: OPENALEX
Indexed by: EZB
Indexed by: DOAJ
Has other medium version: Monaldi archives for chest disease (Print), 1122-0643
Merged with: Monaldi archives for chest disease. Pulmonary series (Online), 2465-101X
Merged with: Monaldi archives for chest disease (Online), 2532-5264
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 06/02/2021
ISSN Center responsible of the record: Centro Nazionale ISSN
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Record creation date: 30/11/2015
Original ISSN Centre: Centro Nazionale ISSN