
Vìsnik unìversitetu ìm. A. Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki (Online)

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Key-title in original characters: Вісник університету ім. А. Нобеля. Серія Філологічні науки (Online)

Title proper: Vìsnik unìversitetu ìm. A. Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki.

Title proper: Вісник університету ім. А. Нобеля. Серія Філологічні науки.

Abbreviated key-title: Vìsn. unìv. ìm. A. Nobelâ, Ser. Fìlol. naukii (Online)

Parallel title: Bulletin of Alfred Nobel University. Series Philology

Parallel title: Alfred Nobel University journal of philology

Other variant title: Visnyk Universitetu imeni Al'freda Nobelya. Seriya: Filologichni nauki

Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic

Subject: UDC : 80

Subject: General questions relating to both linguistics and literature. Philology

Corporate contributor: Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля

Corporate contributor: Alfred Nobel University

Corporate contributor: Unìversitet ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ

Earliest publisher: Дніпро: Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля

Earliest publisher: Dnìpro: Unìversitet ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ

Dates of publication: 2017- 2023 (Ceased)

Frequency: Semiannual

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Multiple languages

Language (other): Ukrainian English

Country: Ukraine

Medium: Online

Indexed by: TITLE DOI

Indexed by: ROAD

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Has other medium version: Vìsnik unìversitetu ìm. A. Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki, 2523-4463

Continues: Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo unìversitetu ekonomìki ta prava ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ. Serìâ Fìlologìčnì nauki, 2222-551X

Continued by: Alfred Nobel University journal of philology (Online), 3041-2188

Continued by: Alfred Nobel University journal of philology, 3041-217X

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 01/10/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine

For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.

Record creation date: 27/12/2017

Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN
