Key-title Prodovolʹčì resursi (Online)
Prodovolʹčì resursi (Online)
Key-title in original characters: Продовольчі ресурси (Online)
Title proper: Продовольчі ресурси.
Title proper: Prodovolʹčì resursi.
Abbreviated key-title: Prodovol. resur. (Online)
Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic
Subject: UDC : 338
Subject: UDC : 63
Subject: UDC : 663
Subject: UDC : 664
Subject: Industrial microbiology. Industrial mycology. Zymurgy, fermentation industry. Beverage industry. Stimulant industry
Subject: Economic situation. Economic policy. Management of the economy. Economic planning. Production. Services. Prices
Subject: Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries
Subject: Production and preservation of solid foodstuffs
Subject: Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries
Subject: Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation
Corporate contributor: ÌPR
Corporate contributor: Ìnstitut prodovolʹčih resursìv
Corporate contributor: Інститут продовольчих ресурсів
Corporate contributor: ІПР
Earliest publisher: Київ: Інститут продовольчих ресурсів
Earliest publisher: Kiïv: Ìnstitut prodovolʹčih resursìv
Dates of publication: 2013- 9999
Frequency: Semiannual
Language: Multiple languages
Language (other): Ukrainian Russian English
Country: Ukraine
Medium: Online
Indexed by: TITLE DOI
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: CROSSREF
Indexed by: FATCAT
Indexed by: WIKIDATA
Indexed by: SUDOC
Indexed by: OPENALEX
Has other medium version: Prodovolʹčì resursi, 2616-7204
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 05/02/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine
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Record creation date: 27/04/2018
Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN