Key-title Š. Ua̋lihanov atyndaġy Kôkšetau universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy. Filologiâ seriâsy (Online)
Š. Ua̋lihanov atyndaġy Kôkšetau universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy. Filologiâ seriâsy (Online)
Title proper: Š. Ua̋lihanov atyndaġy Kôkšetau universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy. Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау университетінің хабаршысы. Filologiâ seriâsy. Филология сериясы.
Parallel title: Vestnik Kokšetauskogo universiteta imeni Š. Ualihanova. Seriâ filologičeskaâ
Parallel title: Bulletin of KU im. Sh.Ualikhanov. Philological series
Country: Kazakhstan
Medium: Online
Record information
Last modification date: 30/10/2024
Type of record: Confirmed
ISSN Center responsible of the record: CIEPS - ISSN
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