
SSP tanamshromlebis mier kveq'anashi arsebuli mdgomareobis amsakhveli angarishi (Online)

Resource information

Title proper: SSP tanamshromlebis mier kveq'anashi arsebuli mdgomareobis amsakhveli angarishi. სსფ თანამშრომლების მიერ ქვეყანაში არსებული მდგომარეობის ამსახველი ანგარიში.

Other variant title: Saert'ašoriso savaluto p̕ ondi tanamshromlebis mier kveq'anashi arsebuli mdgomareobis amsakhveli angarishi

Other variant title: IMF staff country reports (Georgian ed.)

Country: International organization

Medium: Online

Record information

Last modification date: 13/01/2024

Type of record: Confirmed

ISSN Center responsible of the record: CIEPS - ISSN

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication
