Key-title Science and technology for energy transition
Science and technology for energy transition
Title proper: Science and technology for energy transition.
Abbreviated key-title: Sci. technol. energy transition
Other variant title: STET
Original alphabet of title: Extended roman
Subject: Dewey : 333.794
Subject: Regional economics. Territorial economics. Land economics. Housing economics
Corporate contributor: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France) (ISNI: 0000000122998025)
Corporate contributor: IFP énergies nouvelles
Publisher: Les Ulis: EDP sciences, 2022-
Dates of publication: 2022- 9999
Description: Vol. 77 (2022)
Frequency: Annual
Type of resource: Journal
Language: English
Language (other): English
Country: France
Medium: Online
Indexed by: CROSSREF
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Digital Archives:
Digital Archives:
Portico, Portico,, Online access with authorization, 2022/2024
Continues: Oil & gas science and technology (En ligne), 1953-8189
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 03/04/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for France
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Record creation date: 03/02/2022
Original ISSN Centre: ISSN National Centre for France