Key-title Upravlenie na čoveškite resursi
Upravlenie na čoveškite resursi
Key-title in original characters: Управление на човешките ресурси
Title proper: Управление на човешките ресурси.
Title proper: Upravlenie na čoveškite resursi.
Abbreviated key-title: Upr. čoveškite resur.
Parallel title: Human Resource Management
Cover title: Meždunarodna naučno-praktičeska konferenciâ Upravlenie na čoveškite resursi
Cover title: Международна научно-практическа конференция Управление на човешките ресурси
Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic
Subject: UDC : 005.95/.96
Subject: Management
Corporate contributor: University of Economics - Varna
Corporate contributor: Ikonomičeski universitet - Varna
Corporate contributor: Икономически университет - Варна
Earliest publisher: Varna: Science and Economics Publishing House, 2021-
Earliest publisher: Varna: Izdatelstvo "Nauka i ikonomika", 2021-
Earliest publisher: Варна: Издателство "Наука и икономика", 2021-
Dates of publication: 2021- 9999
Frequency: Annual
Language: Multiple languages
Language (other): Bulgarian English
Country: Bulgaria
Medium: Online
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: SUDOC
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 05/02/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for Bulgaria
For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.
Record creation date: 01/08/2023
Original ISSN Centre: ISSN National Centre for Bulgaria