
Dopovidi Nacionalʹnoï akademiï nauk Ukraïni (Online)

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Key-title in original characters: Доповiдi Нацiональної академiї наук України (Online)

Title proper: Dopovidi Nacionalʹnoï akademiï nauk Ukraïni.

Title proper: Доповiдi Нацiональної академiї наук України.

Parallel title: Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Abbreviated key-title: Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. (Online)

Other variant title: Доклады НАН Украины

Other variant title: Doklady NAN Ukrainy

Other variant title: Доповіді НАН України

Other variant title: Dopovìdì NAN Ukraïni

Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic

Subject: UDC : 001:061.12.055(477)

Subject: UDC : 62

Subject: UDC : 502

Subject: UDC : 51

Subject: Organizations and other types of cooperation

Subject: Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work

Subject: The environment and its protection

Subject: Organizations of a general nature

Subject: Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics

Subject: Engineering. Technology in general

Subject: Environmental science. Conservation of natural resources. Threats to the environment and protection against them

Subject: Mathematics

Corporate contributor: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISNI: 0000000403858977)

Corporate contributor: Publishing House "Akademperiodyka" of the NAS of Ukraine

Corporate contributor: VD "Akademperìodika" NAN Ukraïni

Corporate contributor: NAN Ukrainy (ISNI: 0000000403858977)

Corporate contributor: NAN Ukraïni (ISNI: 0000000403858977)

Corporate contributor: Nacionalʹnaâ akademiâ nauk Ukrainy (ISNI: 0000000403858977)

Corporate contributor: Nacionalʹna akademiâ nauk Ukraïni (ISNI: 0000000403858977)

Corporate contributor: Национальная академия наук Украины (ISNI: 0000 0004 0385 8977)

Corporate contributor: НАН України (ISNI: 0000 0004 0385 8977)

Corporate contributor: НАН Украины (ISNI: 0000 0004 0385 8977)

Corporate contributor: ВД "Академперіодика" НАН України

Corporate contributor: Нацiональна академiя наук України (ISNI: 0000 0004 0385 8977)

Intervening publisher: Київ: Доповiдi Нацiональної академiї наук України

Intervening publisher: Kiïv: Dopovidi Nacionalʹnoï akademiï nauk Ukraïni

Latest publisher: Київ: Видавничий дім "Академперіодика"

Latest publisher: Kiïv: Vidavničij dìm "Akademperìodika"

Dates of publication: 2007- 9999

Frequency: Bimonthly

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Multiple languages

Language (other): Ukrainian English

Country: Ukraine

Medium: Online

Indexed by: TITLE DOI

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: DOAJ

Indexed by: CROSSREF

Indexed by: ZDB


Indexed by: WIKIDATA

Indexed by: SUDOC

Indexed by: OPENALEX

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Resource history

Has other medium version: Dopovìdì Nacìonalʹnoï akademìï nauk Ukraïni, 1025-6415

Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 05/02/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine

Record creation date: 12/07/2016

Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN
