
Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniâ

Resource information
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Key-title in original characters: Современные проблемы музыкознания

Title proper: Sovremennye problemy muzykoznaniâ.

Title proper: Современные проблемы музыкознания.

Abbreviated key-title: Sovrem. probl. muzykoznaniâ

Parallel title: Contemporary musicology

Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic

Subject: UDC : 78

Subject: UDC : 37

Subject: Education

Subject: Music

Corporate contributor: Российская академия музыки имени Гнесиных

Corporate contributor: Rossijskaâ akademiâ muzyki imeni Gnesinyh

Earliest publisher: Москва: Российская академия музыки имени Гнесиных

Earliest publisher: Moskva: Rossijskaâ akademiâ muzyki imeni Gnesinyh

Dates of publication: 2017- 9999

Frequency: Quarterly

Type of resource: Periodical

Language: Russian

Country: Russian Federation

Medium: Online

Indexed by: TITLE DOI

Indexed by: ROAD

Indexed by: CROSSREF

Indexed by: OPENALEX

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Record information

Type of record: Confirmed

Last modification date: 09/02/2024

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation

Please contact this ISSN Centre by clicking on it for any request or query concerning the publication

Record creation date: 10/11/2017

Original ISSN Centre: ISSN National Centre for the Russian Federation
