Key-title Kosmičeskaâ tehnika. Raketnoe vooruženie (Online)
Kosmičeskaâ tehnika. Raketnoe vooruženie (Online)
Key-title in original characters: Космическая техника. Ракетное вооружение (Online)
Title proper: Kosmičeskaâ tehnika. Raketnoe vooruženie.
Title proper: Космическая техника. Ракетное вооружение.
Parallel title: Космічна техніка. Ракетне озброєння
Abbreviated key-title: Kosm. teh. Raket. vooruž. (Online)
Parallel title: Kosmìčna tehnìka. Raketne ozbroênnâ
Parallel title: Space technology. Missile armaments
Original alphabet of title: Cyrillic
Subject: UDC : 629.762
Subject: Transport vehicle engineering
Corporate contributor: Yuzhnoye State Design Office
Corporate contributor: Deržavne pìdpriêmstvo «Konstruktorsʹke bûro «Pìvdenne»
Corporate contributor: Gosudarstvennoe predpriâtie "Konstruktorskoe bûro "Ûžnoe" im. M.K. Ângelâ"
Corporate contributor: Государственное предприятие "Конструкторское бюро "Южное" им. М.К. Янгеля"
Corporate contributor: Державне підприємство «Конструкторське бюро «Південне»
Earliest publisher: Днепр: Государственное предприятие "Конструкторское бюро "Южное" им. М.К. Янгеля"
Earliest publisher: Dnepr: Gosudarstvennoe predpriâtie "Konstruktorskoe bûro "Ûžnoe" im. M.K. Ângelâ"
Dates of publication: 1979- 9999
Frequency: Semiannual
Type of resource: Periodical
Language: Multiple languages
Language (other): Russian Ukrainian English
Country: Ukraine
Medium: Online
Indexed by: TITLE DOI
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: CROSSREF
Indexed by: FATCAT
Indexed by: WIKIDATA
Indexed by: SUDOC
Indexed by: OPENALEX
Has other medium version: Kosmičeskaâ tehnika. Raketnoe vooruženie (Print), 2617-5525
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 05/02/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine
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Record creation date: 19/09/2018
Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN