
Socìologìâ (Kiìv. Online)

Resource information

Key-title : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) Sociology: Theory, methods, marketing

Title proper: Socìologìâ. Соціологія:.

Parallel title: Sociology

Parallel title: Theory, methods, marketing

Other variant title: Sotsiologiya

Other variant title : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) Sotsiologiya: teoriya, metody, marketing

Other variant title : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) STMM

Other variant title : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) СТММ

Other variant title: Teoriya, metody, marketing

Other variant title: Teorìâ, metodi, marketing

Country: Ukraine

Medium: Online

Dates of publication : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) 1999-9999

Please specify the language(s) : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) Ukrainian, English, Russian

Title of the publication in original characters : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) Соціологія: теорія, методи, маркетинг

Country of publication in original alphabet : i (update proposal, 04/02/2020) Україна

Record information

Last modification date: 05/02/2024

Type of record: Confirmed

ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine
