Key-title Control systems and computers (Online)
Control systems and computers (Online)
Title proper: Control systems and computers.
Abbreviated key-title: Control syst. comput. (Online)
Parallel title: Sistemi keruvannâ ta komp'ûteri
Parallel title: Системи керування та комп'ютери
Other variant title: CSC
Original alphabet of title: Basic roman
Subject: UDC : 519.7
Subject: UDC : 004
Subject: Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Subject: Computational mathematics. Numerical analysis
Corporate contributor: Meždunarodnyj naučno-učebnyj centr informacionnyh tehnologij i sistem NAN i MON Ukrainy
Corporate contributor: Ìnstitut kìbernetiki ìmenì V.M. Gluškova NAN Ukraïni (ISNI: 000000040489083X)
Corporate contributor: International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of NASU and MESU
Corporate contributor: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISNI: 0000000403858977)
Corporate contributor: V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NASU (ISNI: 000000040489083X)
Corporate contributor: Institut kibernetiki imeni V.M. Gluškova NAN Ukrainy (ISNI: 000000040489083X)
Corporate contributor: Nacìonalʹna akademìâ nauk Ukraïni (ISNI: 0000000403858977)
Corporate contributor: Akademperìodika
Corporate contributor: Mìžnarodnij naukovo-navčalʹnij centr ìnformacìjnih tehnologìj ta sistem NAN ta MON Ukraïni
Corporate contributor: Ìнститут кібернетики імені В.М. Глушкова НАН України (ISNI: 0000 0004 0489 083X)
Corporate contributor: Міжнародний науково-навчальний центр інформаційних технологій та систем НАН та МОН України
Corporate contributor: Международный научно-учебный центр информационных технологий и систем НАН и МОН Украины
Corporate contributor: Національна академія наук України (ISNI: 0000 0004 0385 8977)
Corporate contributor: Академперіодика
Corporate contributor: Academperiodika
Earliest publisher: Київ: Міжнародний науково-навчальний центр інформаційних технологій та систем НАН та МОН України
Earliest publisher: Київ: Академперіодика
Earliest publisher: Kiïv: Mìžnarodnij naukovo-navčalʹnij centr ìnformacìjnih tehnologìj ta sistem NAN ta MON Ukraïni
Dates of publication: 2019- 9999
Frequency: Quarterly
Type of resource: Journal
Language: Multiple languages
Language (other): Ukrainian English
Country: Ukraine
Medium: Online
Indexed by: TITLE DOI
Indexed by: ROAD
Indexed by: DOAJ
Indexed by: CROSSREF
Indexed by: FATCAT
Indexed by: ZDB
Indexed by: WIKIDATA
Indexed by: SUDOC
Indexed by: OPENALEX
Indexed by: EZB
Has other medium version: Control systems and computers (Print), 2706-8145
Continues: Upravlâûŝie sistemy i mašiny, 0130-5395
Continues: Upravlâûŝie sistemy i mašiny (Online), 2518-1262
Record information
Type of record: Confirmed
Last modification date: 05/02/2024
ISSN Center responsible of the record: ISSN Centre for Ukraine
For all potential issues concerning this bibliographic record (missing or wrong data etc.), please contact the ISSN National Centre mentioned above by clicking on the link.
Record creation date: 10/10/2019
Original ISSN Centre: CIEPS - ISSN