3.6. Which options are available for which users?

Type of services Free user Publisher Corporate user Network user
Simple search X
limited to released ISSN data
limited to released ISSN data
Advanced search X
limited to released ISSN data
limited to released ISSN data
Expert search    

3.5. What can I do from the results page?

After having performed a cartographic / simple / advanced / expert search, the search results page displays 3 areas:

- Faceted refinement on the left side, - The search results in the central frame, - Tools on the right side.


From the results page, you can:



3.4. How to use the Expert search

The expert search allows users to search an element in a precise MARC21 field or sub-field. This search is intended for users with a good knowledge of MARC21 and of the Register, and is restricted to subscribing users.

Select the search field from the pull down menu, and enter a MARC21 code.

Ex: to search all daily resources, select the field “Frequency” and enter the coded value “d” for “Daily”;

To search all blogs, choose the field “ROAD code” and enter the value OA-B.


3.3. How to use the advanced search ?

The advanced search will allow you:


- to search specific elements of ISSN records.

- to make a combined search using several fields.

This page is organised in two main blocks:


- The first block allows to search a title and/or an ISSN. Both fields are not repeatable. They can be combined by a Boolean operator (which is by default OR).



3.2. How to use the simple search ?

The simple search is accessible from the Portal home page. It is a quick and efficient way to search and find ISSN records. The simple search may be refined further [see section 3.6. Search results and faceted search].


3.2.1. What does the criteria “All” mean?

All” is the criteria selected by default. 

As a subscribing user:


3.1. How to search using the map?

Cartographic search is available from the landing page of the Portal. It enables you to search by place of publication, clicking successively on the dots until you have reached the desired place of publication.
